Ingress into GKE Cluster

In this blog, I will talk about different options for getting traffic from external world into GKE cluster. The options described are:

  • Network load balancer(NLB)
  • Http load balancer with ingress
  • Http load balancer with Network endpoint groups(NEG)
  • nginx Ingress controller
  • Istio ingress gateway

For each of the above options, I will deploy a simple helloworld service with 2 versions and show access from outside world to the 2 versions of the application. The code is available in my github project here. You can clone and play with it if needed. In the end, I will also discuss about choosing the right option based on the requirement.


For all the examples below, we need to create a GKE cluster with some basic configurations. Following command sets up a 3 node GKE cluster with VPC native mode:

gcloud container clusters create demo-cluster --num-nodes=3 --zone=us-central1-b --enable-ip-alias

Following command installs Istio add-on to the cluster. This is needed for Istio ingress gateway option. Istio can also be installed as a helm package.

gcloud beta container clusters update demo-cluster --project sreemakam-demo --zone us-central1-b\
    --update-addons=Istio=ENABLED --istio-config=auth=MTLS_PERMISSIVE

Following command installs nginx controller using Helm. Before doing this step, it is needed to install Helm client and server part.

Install helm:
kubectl create serviceaccount --namespace kube-system tiller
kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller-cluster-rule --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller
helm init --service-account tiller

Install nginx controller:
helm install --name nginx-ingress stable/nginx-ingress --set rbac.create=true --set controller.publishService.enabled=true

Network load balancer(NLB)

NLB works at L4 level. To expose multiple versions, we need to deploy multiple NLBs. Each NLB will expose a public IP address.

Following command deploys the application:

kubectl apply -f nlb

Following command shows the 2 NLBs that are created:

gcloud compute forwarding-rules list
NAME                              REGION        IP_ADDRESS       IP_PROTOCOL  TARGET
a209565130eda11ea90fe42010a80019  us-central1  TCP          us-central1/targetPools/a209565130eda11ea90fe42010a80019
a20ec964c0eda11ea90fe42010a80019  us-central1     TCP          us-central1/targetPools/a20ec964c0eda11ea90fe42010a80019

Following outputs shows the services, deployments and pods:

kubectl get services
NAME         TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP       PORT(S)          AGE
hello        LoadBalancer      8080:31482/TCP   59m
hello2       LoadBalancer   8080:31550/TCP   59m
kubernetes   ClusterIP     <none>            443/TCP          8d

kubectl get deployments
hello    2/2     2            2           59m
hello2   2/2     2            2           59m

kubectl get pods
NAME                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
hello-bc787595d-4k27t     1/1     Running   0          59m
hello-bc787595d-smvdl     1/1     Running   0          94m
hello2-7494666cc7-sk2sv   1/1     Running   0          59m
hello2-7494666cc7-kl2pq   1/1     Running   0          59m

To access the hello v1 of the service, we need to do:


To access the hello v1 of the service, we need to do:


Http load balancer with ingress

Http load balancer works at L7. The ingress object in Kubernetes creates Global load balancer in GCP.

Following command deploys the application:

kubectl apply -f ingress

Following command shows the forwarding rules for HTTP load balancer:

$ gcloud compute forwarding-rules list

NAME                                             REGION        IP_ADDRESS      IP_PROTOCOL  TARGET
k8s-fw-default-fanout-ingress--fcdc22763fbe5b3a        TCP          k8s-tp-default-fanout-ingress--fcdc22763fbe5b3a

Following outputs shows the services, deployments, pods and ingress:

$ kubectl get services
NAME         TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
hello        NodePort      <none>        8080:31555/TCP   11h
hello2       NodePort   <none>        8080:30233/TCP   11h
kubernetes   ClusterIP      <none>        443/TCP          8d

$ kubectl get deployments
hello    2/2     2            2           11h
hello2   2/2     2            2           11h

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
hello-bc787595d-qjrmr     1/1     Running   0          11h
hello-bc787595d-ra3ar     1/1     Running   0          11h
hello2-7494666cc7-5h588   1/1     Running   0          11h
hello2-7494666cc7-faeaw   1/1     Running   0          11h

$ kubectl get ingress
curl NAME             HOSTS   ADDRESS          PORTS   AGE
fanout-ingress   *   80      20m

To access the hello v1 of the service, we need to do:


To access the hello v2 of the service, we need to do:


HTTP Load balancer with NEG

Network endpoint groups are groups of Network endpoints which can be tied to Load balancer as backends. NEGs are useful for Container native load balancing where each Container can be represented as endpoint to the load balancer. With Container native load balancing, the advantages are better load distribution, removal of extra hop that reduces latency and better health check. Without Container native load balancing, load balancer would distribute packets to each node and iptables in each node would further distribute the packets to each pod/container and this adds the extra hop.

Following command deploys the application with HTTP load balancer and NEG:

kubectl apply -f ingress-neg

The only additional configuration needed to setup Ingress with NEG is to add the following annotation to the ingress service manifest file:

annotations: '{"ingress": true}'

Following command shows the forwarding rules for HTTP load balancer:

$ gcloud compute forwarding-rules list
NAME                                             REGION        IP_ADDRESS      IP_PROTOCOL  TARGET
k8s-fw-default-fanout-ingress--fcdc22763fbe5b3a        TCP          k8s-tp-default-fanout-ingress--fcdc22763fbe5b3a

Following outputs shows the services, deployments, pods and ingress:

$ kubectl get services
NAME         TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
hello        NodePort   <none>        8080:32046/TCP   2m38s
hello2       NodePort      <none>        8080:32420/TCP   2m38s
kubernetes   ClusterIP      <none>        443/TCP          8d

$ kubectl get deployments
hello    2/2     2            2           2m45s
hello2   2/2     2            2           2m46s

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
hello-bc787595d-64k8f     1/1     Running   0          2m50s
hello-bc787595d-fsw31     1/1     Running   0          2m50s
hello2-7494666cc7-ldvz8   1/1     Running   0          2m51s
hello2-7494666cc7-s314f   1/1     Running   0          2m51s

$ kubectl get ingress
NAME             HOSTS   ADDRESS          PORTS   AGE
fanout-ingress   *   80      19m

Following outputs shows the network endpoint groups and the endpoints associated with the network endpoint groups. There are 2 network endpoint groups, 1 for hello v1 service and another for hello v2 service. Each NEG has 2 pods that are part of the service.

gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups list
NAME                                        LOCATION       ENDPOINT_TYPE   SIZE
k8s1-fcdc2276-default-hello-8080-ae85b431   us-central1-b  GCE_VM_IP_PORT  2
k8s1-fcdc2276-default-hello2-8080-6ef9b812  us-central1-b  GCE_VM_IP_PORT  2

$ gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups list-network-endpoints --zone us-central1-b k8s1-fcdc2276-default-hello-8080-ae85b431
INSTANCE                                     IP_ADDRESS  PORT
gke-demo-cluster-default-pool-cf9e9717-vx2r  8080
gke-demo-cluster-default-pool-cf9e9717-bdfk  8080

$ gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups list-network-endpoints --zone us-central1-b k8s1-fcdc2276-default-hello2-8080-6ef9b812
INSTANCE                                     IP_ADDRESS  PORT
gke-demo-cluster-default-pool-cf9e9717-vx2r  8080
gke-demo-cluster-default-pool-cf9e9717-g02w  8080

To access hello version v1, we need to do:


To access hello version v2, we need to do:


Istio Ingress gateway

Istio provides service mesh functionality. In addition to providing a mesh between services, Istio also provides Ingress gateway functionality that takes care of traffic control and routing features for traffic entering the mesh from outside world.

Istio injects an Envoy proxy container into each pod which takes care of traffic management and routing without the individual applications being aware of it. The injection can either be done automatically or manually. Following command setups up automatic proxy injection:

kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled

I have used 2 approaches to deploy the service using Istio.

Istio Approach 1:

In this approach, I have used Virtual service to demux the 2 versions of helloworld to separate services. This is not an optimal approach as we cannot use the advantages of Istio service mesh. I have put this approach just for reference.

In the pre-requisites section, I have mentioned the steps to add Istio to the GKE cluster. Following command deploys the application with Istio ingress gateway.

kubectl apply -f istio

Istio ingress gateway sets up GCP NLB. NLB provides connectivity from external world and Istio ingress gateway takes care of the http routing rules. Following command shows the Istio deployments in istio-system namespace:

$ kubectl get deployments --namespace istio-system
NAME                     READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
istio-citadel            1/1     1            1           8d
istio-galley             1/1     1            1           8d
istio-ingressgateway     1/1     1            1           8d
istio-pilot              1/1     1            1           8d
istio-policy             1/1     1            1           8d
istio-sidecar-injector   1/1     1            1           8d
istio-telemetry          1/1     1            1           8d
promsd                   1/1     1            1           8d

Following command shows the NLB created by Istio ingress gateway:

$ gcloud compute forwarding-rules list

NAME                              REGION        IP_ADDRESS      IP_PROTOCOL  TARGET
af95f4a780fa711ea9ae142010a80011  us-central1   TCP          us-central1/targetPools/af95f4a780fa711ea9ae142010a80011

Following outputs shows the services, deployments, pods and ingress:

$ kubectl get services
NAME                            TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)                      AGE
hello                           NodePort     <none>           8080:32133/TCP               5h58m
hello2                          NodePort    <none>           8080:31628/TCP               5h58m
kubernetes                      ClusterIP      <none>           443/TCP                      9d

$ kubectl get deployments
hello    2/2     2            2           5h50m
hello2   2/2     2            2           5h50m

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
hello-bc787595d-h7h6j     2/2     Running   0          5h50m
hello-bc787595d-sq7z4     2/2     Running   0          5h50m
hello2-7494666cc7-t7bnq   2/2     Running   0          5h50m
hello2-7494666cc7-tx9q2   2/2     Running   0          5h50m

In the above command, there are 2 containers in each pod. The first container is the application container and the second one is the proxy container.

To access the application, do the following:

export INGRESS_HOST=$(kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
export INGRESS_PORT=$(kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("http2")].port}')
curl http://$GATEWAY_URL/v1
curl http://$GATEWAY_URL/v2

In my case, I have specified “Hosts” field as “*” in the gateway and virtualservice, so I did not specify the host when doing the curl. If you have specified a hostname, use the curl -H option to access the service.

Istio Approach 2

In this approach, the 2 different versions of hello service is represented as subsets in Virtualservice manifest and using destinationrule, we can redirect to the right pod in the kubernetes cluster.

Virtualservice has 2 subsets, 1 for version v1 and another for version v2. All traffic management configuration happens through Virtualservice. The “host” field in virtual service maps to the kubernetes service name. Virtual service directs traffic to the right destination and the destination rule maps the subset to the appropriate labels and also sets up load balancing logic.

Following command sets up the application with virtual service pointing to the following mapping(/v1->hello version v1, v2->hello version v2, default-hello version v2):

kubectl apply -f istio1

Following command shows the rules in Virtual service:

        Prefix:  /v1
        Host:    hello
        Subset:  v1
        Prefix:  /v2
        Host:    hello
        Subset:  v2
        Host:    hello
        Subset:  v2

Now, lets apply another virtual service that maps all traffic to version v1. This will map all traffic to hello version v1.

kubectl apply -f istio1/traffic-mgmt/istio-service-v1.yaml

Following command shows the rules in Virtual service:

        Host:    hello
        Subset:  v1

Now, lets apply another virtual service that maps 20% of traffic to hello version v1 and 80% of traffic to hello version v2.

kubectl apply -f istio1/traffic-mgmt/istio-service-v1-20-v2-80.yaml

Following command shows the rules in Virtual service for the above configuration:

        Host:    hello
        Subset:  v1
      Weight:    20
        Host:    hello
        Subset:  v2
      Weight:    80

Istio with GCP http load balancer

By default, Istio ingress gateway does not allow usage of GCP HTTP load balancer. There could be scenarios where its an advantage to use GCP HTTP load balancer like needing to use GCP managed certificates, integrate GCP load balancer with cloud armor, CDN etc. For these types of cases, it makes more sense to use GCP global load balancer and point it to Istio ingress gateway. In this case, GCP global load balancer would do the https termination while service level redirection will be done by Istio ingress gateway. The flow would look something like this:

Istio with GCP load balancer

I referred this example to get it working, but I was not able to get it working completely. Following are the steps that I used:

  • Modify the default Istio ingress controller to use “Nodeport” type and NEG.
  • Write a custom healthcheck. Since the default GCP LB health check sends to port 80 “/” and Istio health check is at a different point(port 15020 on the /healthz/ready), we need to write a virtual service to do the remapping. This service is specified in healthcheck.yaml.
  • Deploy Istio gateway, virtualservice and the kubernetes ingress, services, deployments and pods.

Modify Istio ingress controller

Apply the following patch in istio-http-lb/gateway-patch directory to the Istio ingress controller:

kubectl -n istio-system patch svc istio-ingressgateway     --type=json -p="$(cat istio-ingressgateway-patch.json)"     --dry-run=true -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -

Deploy services

kubectl apply -f istio-http-lb

For some reason, the health check was still failing. If someone has got this working, please ping me.

nginx Ingress controller

Ingress Kubernetes manifest file defaults to Global load balancer in GKE. GKE also supports integration with third party load balancers like nginx using annotation in the Ingress file. The first step would be to install nginx controller in the GKE cluster. As mentioned in the pre-requisites, this can be done using helm.

Following command shows the nginx services running after deploying nginx controller using helm. nginx-ingress-controller is the controller service, nginx-ingress-default-backend service provides the health check.

$ kubectl get services
NAME                            TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)                      AGE
nginx-ingress-controller        LoadBalancer   80:31545/TCP,443:31234/TCP   28h
nginx-ingress-default-backend   ClusterIP    <none>         80/TCP                       28h

Following annotation in the Ingress manifest file sets up usage of nginx controller.

annotations: nginx

Following command deploys the application with nginx ingress controller:

kubectl apply -f nginx

Following outputs shows the services, deployments, pods and ingress:

$ kubectl get services
NAME                            TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)                      AGE
hello                           NodePort   <none>         8080:30157/TCP               29h
hello2                          NodePort    <none>         8080:30693/TCP               29h
kubernetes                      ClusterIP     <none>         443/TCP                      46h
nginx-ingress-controller        LoadBalancer   80:31545/TCP,443:31234/TCP   28h
nginx-ingress-default-backend   ClusterIP    <none>         80/TCP                       28h

$ kubectl get deployments
NAME                            READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
hello                           2/2     2            2           29h
hello2                          2/2     2            2           29h
nginx-ingress-controller        1/1     1            1           29h
nginx-ingress-default-backend   1/1     1            1           29h

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
hello-bc787595d-cwm52     1/1     Running   0          94m
hello-bc787595d-smvdl     1/1     Running   0          94m
hello2-7494666cc7-nkl8w   1/1     Running   0          94m
hello2-7494666cc7-sb9hm   1/1     Running   0          94m

$ kubectl get ingress
NAME               HOSTS   ADDRESS        PORTS   AGE
ingress-resource   *   80      29h

Following command shows the NLB created by nginx ingress controller:

$ gcloud compute forwarding-rules list
NAME                              REGION        IP_ADDRESS      IP_PROTOCOL  TARGET
aa83c60c4103d11ea9ae142010a80011  us-central1    TCP          us-central1/targetPools/aa83c60c4103d11ea9ae142010a80011

To access hello version v1, we need to do:


To access hello version v2, we need to do:


How to choose?

Now that we have covered different ways to get traffic into the cluster, let’s talk about when to use each type. NLB is typically used for L4 based services. In the example application deployed above, we deployed 2 NLBs since NLB cannot do routing based on URL. HTTP load balancer with ingress is used for typical L7 services. Container native load balancing is built on top of HTTP load balancer and HTTP load balancer with NEG provides better distribution and health check, so this is preferred. If Istio is used as service mesh, it makes sense to use Istio ingress gateway as similar traffic rules can be used for traffic entering the mesh as well as within the mesh. Typically, Istio is front-ended by GCP NLB. In cases where we need to front-end with GCP HTTP LB, it is also possible as described above. There are some scenarios where customer is more comfortable with third party load balancer like nginx either because of familiarity or because of the complex routing/rewrite rules that nginx supports.

In the future blog, I will talk about internal communication between services inside GKE cluster. In that blog, I will discuss clusterip, Istio service mesh, Traffic director and ILB.


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