GKE Tip series

Kubernetes is the defacto Container orchestration platform today and GKE is a managed Kubernetes distribution from GCP. In addition to being best-in-class Kubernetes distribution, GKE adds all the goodness of GCP to GKE and is also integrated well with the cloud native ecosystem. GKE has been in general availability for the last 5+ years and we have seen customers adopting GKE for many different use cases. Myself and my colleague Reju Pillai decided to do a “GKE Tips series” where our goal is to provide practical tips to GCP practitioners using GKE. Each chapter in the series will cover a specific topic that includes both theoretical aspect and a hands-on demo associated with the topic. We will also provide the steps for you to try this by yourself.

Following are the ones that we have already released. Please feel free to leave feedback on the content as well as topics that you will be interested to see from us.

Right sizing pod memory with GKE Vertical Pod Autoscalar

Secure access to GKE Private clusters

How to choose between GKE Standard, Autopilot and Cloud Run

GKE Usage Metering

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