
I am interested in the recent wave of Containers, Cloud, ML, SDN and Devops developments. I try to follow the latest developments in Open source projects like Docker, Kubernetes, Istio, Knative, Tensorflow, CoreOS and how it all ties together. You can find my presentations and hacky code here.

Currently, I am working as a Hybrid cloud specialist in Google Cloud, Bangalore. My primary responsibility is creating and deploying solutions for customers in application modernization and hybrid cloud space. I have around 20+ years experience in the IT industry. My background is mostly in the infrastructure and application side of things and my Google cloud experience gave me interesting perspectives on Data analytics and Machine learning.

I was a Docker captain for 3 years(till 2018) and that gave me a lot of exposure to learning new things and meeting very smart people. Before Google cloud, I worked with Cisco systems for 10+ years in private cloud and networking. Before that, I worked in a bunch of startups.

I am author of “Mastering CoreOS” book. I did the technical review for Mastering Ansible book, Network programmability and Automation book, CoreOS Cookbook and Mastering Ansible(second edition) book and “Ansible for Network automation” report.

In this blog, my goal is to capture things that I am learning as part of this new wave of technology developments happening in the Cloud and Networking industry. The opinions expressed are my own and does not reflect opinions of my employer. You can reach me through linkedin or follow me in Twitter at @srmakam.

15 thoughts on “About

  1. Hello,
    It is a very useful blog. Thanks for sharing.

    I could not find the following script:

    Can you please tell me where to find it?



    1. Thanks Brent. Btw, your blog was 1 of my motivations to start writing a blog and I follow your blog closely…
      I was very impressed with the ODL/OVSDB work being done by you and OVSDB team. Will try to step in sometime soon…

  2. Thanks Makam , The blog is very informative and has the consolidated info useful for a newbie like me to kick start and work on ODL.

  3. The topics you have covered are very relevant to us. you have presented information well. I am not sure if our team is aware of this blog. So now i see, why you like to keep our switch wiki updated all the time 🙂

  4. I’m trying to contact you. I am a network engineer with 2 years of experience and interested into network automation. Learning python now. I need some guidance from you. Can you share you email id to contact.

  5. Hello, I am trying de work whit the files ova but get this error , when is running the script stack.sh : HEAD is now at 3b41c1b Merge “Remove unneeded call to fecht network infow on shutdown” into stable/icehouse

  6. Hi Sreeni, I have good experience with dockers but am bit new to consul, mesos etc. I have some basic challenges as well as some advanced. Would like to interact with you if possible. My skype id vaseem.aziz – please connect

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